Maria, discípula missionária


  • Pedro K. Iwashita



mission, evangelization, discipleship, the Virgin Mary


The following article outlines how Our Blessed Lady brings about the ideal missionary disciple as was proposed in the 5th Conference of CELAM that was held in Aparecida in June 2007. This is a constantly mentioned subject in the document of Aparecida, showing that Mary is the perfect image of missionary disciple. This is a research about the biblical and theological basis of being missionary disciple, which ideal is realized by Mary and by the Church and proposed to everyone who wants to be disciple of Jesus Christ.

Author Biography

Pedro K. Iwashita

Professor titular de Teologia Dogmática da Faculdade de Teologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo e chefe do Departamento de Teologia Fundamental da mesma faculdade.