A re-significação da formação permanente, da identidade presbiteral e da identidade do presbítero


  • João da Silva Mendonça Filho




priest, priests, continuing education, metamorphosis, re-signification


The author shows that continuing education can not be understood today, but after re-signification of priestly identity and the identity of the priest in a large social metamorphosis, and consequently the Church. There is not only the fact itself of continuing education, but the intertext in which it lies in the change of season. The priest, consciously or not, is redefined within the cultural fabric. The author also shows that since the post-Vatican II council of elders models are redefined, especially in Brazil. Dynamism of these changes in the collective imagination, the individual and the fictions that had always characterized the human being changed, also contributing to new interpretations of the identity, nature and mission of a Catholic priest. Continuing Education, therefore, can not be delegated to any one; the priest is the first protagonist of the process along the stages of life and its spiritual and pastoral experiences. The author also points out some perspectives for the priestly ministry which must be assumed in this great process of change. Changed the myth, the priest, changed the narratives on the myth, and art and literature have also suffered changes. Therefore, it is urgent to think the way to be a priest today with the cost of losing the course of history.

Author Biography

João da Silva Mendonça Filho

É mestre em Educação com especialização em Pedagogia para a formação religiosa e presbiteral, pela Pontifícia Universidade Salesiana de Roma/Itália. Pós-graduado em Educação sexual pela UNISAL-SP e em Comunicação pelo SE PAC e PUC-SP.