Sanções penais na Igreja


  • Liyoiti Matsunaga


Church, Code of Canon Law, penal sanctions, canonical penalties


The Church, as a society founded on the communion of faith, sacraments, and discipline, has the right to impose penal sanctions on its delinquent churchgoers. The conception, structure and collection of its own internal laws, the so called canons, undergo alterations in the course of the history of that society and the evolution of its costumes. Collections of laws abound, but only in the XX century, in 1917, there came into existence the first Code of Canon Law (Codex Iuris Canonici - CIC), followed by the currently one, the 1983 CIC. These issues, along with the nature, fundamentals and purposes of the penal sanctions, are the intent of this article, which also includes the different types of canonical penalties and their imposition.

Author Biography

Liyoiti Matsunaga

Prof. Dr. Liyoiti Matsunaga: Licenciado e doutor em Direito Canônico pela Pontifícia Università Lateranense de Roma (Itália), Professor no Instituto de Direito Canônico ‘Pe. Dr. Giuseppe Benito Pegoraro’.



Direito Canônico