Pastoral theology and pratical theology, besides the vision eclesial


  • Alzirinha Rocha de Souza Universidade Católica de Penambuco UNICAP



Practical theology, Pastoral Theology, History, Practice, Humanities


The issues raised between the Pastoral and the Practical Theologies are not new and not a few in the Latin American context. In fact, the pattern of the Practical Theolgy, as it is conceived in northern Europe. It is still new in Latin America, which strives to call the work related to practice solely as Pastoral Theology. Aiming to expand and bring to light the elements of approaches and differences between these two lines, we propose the reading of this article. As we will state along the text, it is just about desmonstrating the excellence of one over the other, but about regaining their sense of theologies that, being complementary, they effectively play the role of "translating" the Mystery, bringing it closer to its addressee.

Author Biography

Alzirinha Rocha de Souza, Universidade Católica de Penambuco UNICAP

Teóloga formada pela PUCSP, Mestre em Teologia pela Universidad San Dámaso, Madrid. Dra em Teologia pela Université Catholique de Louvain Bélgica. Professora do Programa de Pós Graduação e Teologia da Universidade Católica de Pernambuco UNICAP.



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