From the scale of urban planning to the care of the common house: a submerged agenda of environmental injustice


  • Fernando de Oliveira Amorim
  • Donizete José Xavier



urban planning, environmental justice, socio-environmental degradation, submerged agenda, Laudato Si


Population growth, social mobility fostered by the rural exodus and accelerated process of urbanization transform physical and social Brazilian,’ medium cities. Plans and processes of urban interventions in the context of these transformations are interspersed by relationships between different groups which act in public policies. With self-interest, these groups influence the pattern of use in the urban land and quantify how much financial resources are available to direct actions of the State in the spatial allocation, collective consumption and infrastructure for different segments of society. Thus, direct where and how public resources are invested, generating different access to different services for different people, realizing socio-spatial inequality. This socio-economic context that marks a long relations between State and capital estate in Brazil is interpreted as justification material and historic to understand how the promotion of urban infrastructure in slums in the area of environmental protection and springs. In this context, as advocating "Encyclical Letter Laudato Si: on the care of common home" it is necessary to rethink the relationship between city and nature considering the urban environmental issue as a concept and practice of environmental protection in the process of accelerated social and environmental degradation.

Author Biographies

Fernando de Oliveira Amorim

Graduação em Filosofia (USF, 2002), graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (Unesp, 2008), Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Gestão Municipal (Unesp, 2006), mestrado em Geografia Urbana (Unesp, 2011) e doutorado em Planejamento Urbano (FAUUSP, 2016).

Donizete José Xavier

Bacharelado e Licenciatura em Filosofia e História pela Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras das Faculdades Associadas do Ipiranga (1993). Bacharelado em Teologia pelo Instituto Teológico Pio XI (1996) e Mestrado em Teologia Dogmática pela Pontifícia Faculdade Nossa Senhora da Assunção (2002). Doutor em Teologia Fundamental pela Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana de Roma. Docente-pesquisador do Programa de Pós-graduação de Teologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo.

