Enfoques do pensamento de René Girard


  • Dr. Pe. Edvilson de Godoy




René Girard, Victimising mechanism, Sacrifice, Hebrew Bible, Passion of Christ


The article presents the fundamental aspects of René Girard´s thoughts. It tries to define the fundamental stages of the victimising mechanism explained by the Franco-American anthropologist. The victimising process starts with a mimetic wish and ends with the sacrifice of the scapegoat. The end of this long argument is the birth of the sacred which is violent. The God of the Jewish-Christian revelation is not the sacred violent One. It follows a path which overcomes the projection of violence over a victim in the name of God. Girad´s study opens new possibilities for connections for the Catholic Theology.

Author Biography

Dr. Pe. Edvilson de Godoy

Edvilson de Godoy, doutor em Teologia Dogmática pela Pontifícia Universidade Católicade São Paulo. Professor de teologia no Instituto João Paulo II de Sorocaba. Pároco daParóquia Sagrada Família em Tatuí-SP.


