Um estudo histórico-teológico das diretrizes pastorais da Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB) (1991-2002)


  • Me. Pedro Donizeti de Campos



Church in Brazil, Evangelism, Pastoral


This article presents the historical and evolutionary events that have marked the ecclesiastical history of our church. All ecclesiological evolution occurred since the Second Vatican Council had an original receptivity in Latin America and here in Brazil. Due to what was already being done, but especially for what our bishops were able to do, facing the various realities that had occurred before, ad extra or ad intra, it means, they were able to interpret them and to translate them into practical evangelistic pastoral.

Author Biography

Me. Pedro Donizeti de Campos

Sou Padre Missionário ordenado há quase 10 anos, membro de uma Associação Públicade Fiéis, cognominada “Comunidade Missionária Providência Santíssima”, fundada em Jardinópolise atualmente residente em Mococa. Hoje moro e exerço meu ministério sacerdotalna França, na Diocese de Fréjus-Toulon, no VAR.


