A subjetividade como elemento de constituição estética literária em “Esperando Godot” de Samuel Becket


  • Wagner Guedes




Aesthetics, Subjectivity, Hope, Humor, Clarity


The research seeks to identify the subjective elements that permeate the most successful Irish writer Samuel Beckett, “Waiting for Godot”, 1943, written in French and in just four months. To do so presupposes the idea that the work contains the use of resources constituidores mechanisms aesthetic, which amounted to a recognized level of excellence. Accordingly, the items that follow there is a demand in respect to emphasize the expansion of the theatrical experience and innovation employed by the Irish writer, especially in relation to the nineteenth century, where the part is inserted, which in advance, includes the so-called “Theatre the Absurd, “especially for portraying the human condition as incomprehensible and without perspective. Thus, we seek a conceptual understanding of the interaction process between reader and work regarding the mechanisms of literary subjectivity, which in turn culminate in aesthetic appeal in question.

Author Biography

Wagner Guedes

Wagner Alves Guedes é doutorando em filosofia da linguagem pela UNISINOS de SãoLeopoldo-RS, onde é orientado pelo Prof. Dr. Marco Antonio Oliveira de Azevedo.


