Maria e o seu serviço “sacerdotal” uma visão da eclesialidade mariana na tradição da igreja


  • Dom Rafael Maria Francisco da Silva



Mary, Patristics, Priesthood, Sacrifice, Symbolism


The collaboration of the Virgin Mary in the work of salvation has always been a controversial topic in the history of the Church, leading to widespread debate and misunderstandings. For the Fathers and several authors of the Christian past this was never a problem, because they did their theology on their knees with prayer, faith, spirituality, doctrine and integrity of life. They had always before their eyes the Word of truth, the experience of the Church. Mary of Nazareth, so closely united to the Son, is his collaborator par excellence with a priestly service inherent to every Christian. Her ‘priesthood’ is not equal to the ministerial priesthood conferred on bishops, priests and deacons. The various authors of the past symbolically associated Our Lady with the animals that were sacrificed in the Temple according to biblical tradition, except of course for Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The Mother of the Lord, the first disciple, joins the unique sacrifice of the Redeemer and does not obscure it, but materializes it in her life of offering, listening and service.

Author Biography

Dom Rafael Maria Francisco da Silva

Monge beneditino do Mosteiro de São Bento de Olinda (Brasil). Doutor em Teologia comespecialização em Mariologia pela Pontifícia Faculdade Teológica “Marianum” (Roma).Diplomado para Postulador pela Congregação para Causa dos Santos (Cidade do Vaticano).


