Cristãos adultos – A reconfiguração institucional da Igreja a partir de Aparecida


  • Renato da Silva Machado



Laity, Institution, Aparecida


Modernity opens the paradigm of autonomy of the subject. This paradigm presents a new interpretation of reality and also requires a new understanding with regard to the Church. We can see the need for a new institutional reorganization that values the participation of all members of the Church whether ordained or not. In this sense, this article will seek to deepen the question of autonomy of the subject and the need for new institutional restructuring, recovering the new ecclesiology of Vatican II, as well as pointing out the lights and gaps in the document of Aparecida in this regard.

Author Biography

Renato da Silva Machado

Mestre em Teologia Sistemático-Pastoral pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro e doutorando na mesma universidade. Atualmente é vigário paroquial da Paróquia N. Sra. da Vitória – Barra da Tijuca/RJ.


