Conversão pastoral: imperativo ou modismo?


  • Sérgio Conrado



Mission Church, Pastoral conversion, Structures, Person, Community


The pastoral conversion became on indispensable element in the Church today. In the context of spiritual conversion, the pastoral care needs to be designed by pastoral agents in two ways: interior action of God´s grace and human agency. The Conference of Aparecida insists that the missionary character reaches all sectors of the Church: institutional (structural) and individual and community (people). To do so, not just the discovery of new instruments, actions and strategies. It requires an inner transformation, based on personal and community encounter with Christ and at the same time, the outword manifestation of the shares. It is out permanently, by all Christians and pastoral workers, the demands of faith and commitment to the internal life of the Church and its action in the World.

Author Biography

Sérgio Conrado

Cônego Sérgio Conrado. Professor Titular da Faculdade de Teologia da Nossa Senhora da Assunção da Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP).