Tecnologia x Bioética? Questões histórico-científicoteológicas da reprodução humana


  • Ideylson dos Anjos




Human life, Human reproduction, Bioethics


This article discusses the process of perception of human reproduction and its implications for historical-scientific-theological. Aims to show how it developed cultural awareness and acceptance of human conception and how this relation is now with the advancement of biotechnology. The analysis goes through the historical and theological overview of concepts of human reproduction and comes into the process of historical-political concept of bioethics on human reproduction. It is a deeply technical, accompanied by a history of conflict between theology and technology, because biotechnology requires changes in the ethical standards established by policy that operates under its terms of cultural influences, especially religious.

Author Biography

Ideylson dos Anjos

Ideylson dos Anjos, mestrando em Comunicação e Semiótica (PUC/SP); especialista em Educação Sexual (UNISAL/SP); graduado em Filosofia (UCDB/MS); pesquisador na área de biopolítica, bioeconomia e bioética e também pesquisa o conflito das Novas Tecnologias com a Teologia Moral; integrante do grupo de pesquisa “Biopolítica”, PUCSP.