Liturgia das horas: a memória de Cristo ao longo do dia
mystery, light, time, prayer, psalmsAbstract
The Liturgy of Hours is a methodof prayer, which allocates certainhours in communion with Christ, andthus, keep us immersed in his paschalmystery. It has its origin in the Jewishtradition, which, at every three hours,makes, through the singing of thepsalms, the memory of God the Creator,in order to reinforce the commitmentsof the Covenant. The primitiveChurch followed the same intuition,directing it to Christ. Nevertheless,little by little, this precious prayer of allChristians has been transformed intoa prayer of some selected members,connected, in general, with the priestly,monacal or consecrated life. Thereformation of the Vatican II Councilrestored the Liturgy of Hours, and intendsthat it be returned to all faithful.Downloads