A inserção dos fiéis leigos nas novas comunidades cristãs


  • Fernando Rodrigues Francisco




Laity, Church, New Christian Communities, Vatican Council II


The Second Vatican Council was able to give a new profile to the laity in the Church. The participation of the laity in the Church has allowed the development of new ways of presenting the Gospel to contemporary man. This quest for answers has brought an important consequence for the life of the Church: the laity began to live together their faith. They are beginning to form “New Communities”. In the unity of the Church, many laymen are associated to witness a new and original, the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Author Biography

Fernando Rodrigues Francisco

Possui graduação em Comunicação Social, graduação em Filosofia, graduação em Teologia, diplomado em Comunicação pela Université de Paris II, mestrado em Comunicação pela Université Catholique de Louvain (Bélgica), mestrando em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Professor da área de Teologia Pastoral da Faculdade João Paulo II, de Marília-SP.