A criação como constituição do destinatário para a encarnação, no Curso fundamental da fé de Karl Rahner


  • Walterson José Vargas




Creation, Incarnation, Subject, Freedom, Transcendence


The reality of creation is understood by Karl Rahner in close and necessary relationship with the event of the incarnation. Creation is the constitution, in the process of active self-transcendence, of a suitable recipient for the Verb of God. So, when the creation reaches in the man, the reality of the subject (the self-possession of himself as a whole), free (surrendered to himself, as a whole), and transcendent (refered to the whole of reality as infinitude), it constitutes the only adequate reality to receive One that is the source of its being, its freedom and its transcendence. God, thus, self-communicates to it, first at Grace, as internal constitutive principle of its transcendentality, and then in the incarnation, as One who not only offers his self-communication to it, but also as One who receives it as valid.

Author Biography

Walterson José Vargas

Walterson José Vargas ss.cc., mestre em Teologia Sistemática pela Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Chile (1995) e doutorando em Filosofia na Universidade de São Paulo. Endereço: Rua Costa Sena, 121. CEP: 30720-350 – Padre Eustáquio. Belo Horizonte – MG.