A busca de um tema no interior de um texto bíblico e sua aplicação metodológica


  • Cézar Teixeira




theme, method, choice, delimitation, insertion, textual criticism


The goal of seeking a theme within a text determines the method of research and the structuring of the work itself. The starting point is the exegesis of the text. This is the first and essential task. The exegetical method in this case brings to light the various subtleties of the topic. Therefore, the research also deals with various approaches always in view of the topic. Means choosing a type of study the text, the historical critical method, which addresses the problems inherent in the text of Mk 14.17 to 21 in two respects: the first deals with the choice, definition, integration of text and the deals with textual criticism to reconstruct the original Greek text. Are primary aspects of the historical critical method that aims to clarify the various stages of the various stages of the formation of the text to give a solid foundation to the theological meaning of the passage, through its historical evolution and its articulation in the current composition.

Author Biography

Cézar Teixeira

Doutor em Teologia Bíblica pela Pontifícia Universidade Santo Tomás de Aquino de Roma, onde defendeu tese sobre a importância da mesa de refeição no anúncio da traição em Mc 14,17-21. Atualmente, é professor e diretor adjunto da Faculdade de Teologia da PUC-SP, onde leciona Sagrada Escritura. É editor desta revista impressa e da Reveleteo: Revista Eletrônica Espaço Teológico, editada no site http://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/reveleteo.