A festa da Páscoa: um olhar panorâmico em sua gênese e evolução


  • Luciano dos Santos




Easter, unleavened bread, Eucharist, liberation


The nomadic shepherds and the sedentary farmers wanted, through old Easter party, to save or to liberate their flocks and their crops from the dangers and difficulties, keeping them saved and intact. For the people of Israel, the party of the Easter became, especially, a sign of their liberation from slavery suffered in Egypt. That same Easter, celebrated and re-signified by Christ, the Christians continue to celebrate, principally, through the Eucharist. The Christians in the Latin America discover in the Easter the sign of salvation and of liberation from other forms of slavery, the morals and of all the nations, by God’s action in Christ in the Holy Spirit.

Author Biography

Luciano dos Santos

Graduado em Filosofia pela Fundação Educacional de Brusque (1998) e em Teologia pelo Centro de Estudos Superiores da Companhia de Jesus (2002). Atualmente cursa mestrado em Teologia Sistemática com concentração em Liturgia na Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo.