Igreja de Cristo: Igreja do povo ou Igreja para poucos?


  • Luiz Claudio de Almeida Braga




Church, unit, diversity


The Catholic Church marks its beginning at Pentecost event, which injected a strength, giving strength to its spread. The founding event really existed, but how to understand his reflection today?! How to understand the desire to follow Christ and live faithfully?! Many Catholics, and now form the great religion in the world! However, after so many centuries, history shows us that in addition to other denominations, Catholics are subdivided to form several groups. This paper is not to be another to defend a Catholic or other Christian group giving it a greater or lesser importance. But from a mature understanding of the emergence of the group of followers of Jesus of Nazareth we find in the book of Acts, to reconsider the church today, warning that there is no problem in diversifying groups, but all differences form a unit “There is a multiplicity of gifts, but the spirit is the same”. (1 Corinthians 12:4).

Author Biography

Luiz Claudio de Almeida Braga

Mestrando em Teologia Pastoral pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Bacharel em Teologia pela Pontifícia Faculdade Nossa Senhora da Assunção/SP. Bacharel em Filosofia pelo Instituto Santo Tomás de Aquino/MG. Bacharel em Comunicação Social – Jornalismo, pela Faculdade de Comunicação Hélio Alonso/RJ.