Comunidades Eclesiais: uma família maior. Homenagem a D. Luciano Mendes de Almeida


  • Edelcio Ottaviani



D. Luciano Mendes de Almeida, Ecclesiae’s Community of Basis (CEBs), great knowledge, Michel Foucault, care of himself.


This article is homage to D. Luciano Mendes de Almeida and his compromise with the Comunidades Eclesiais de Base — CEBs (Ecclesiae’s Community of Basis). It has written from his speech during Unicef’s Conference in Paris, in 1986 July, of which I was a happy listener. Here, I reflect about the big family of D. Luciano, about the geniality of this Master of love, at recognizing in these CEBS a place of some experience of life and transformation of existence to incalculable number of children, destitute of more consistent referential values of life. At last, I feel inspired for Michel Foucault, then, I speak about great knowledge (mestria) of D. Luciano and his take care to see if the people are taking care of themselves, and of his way of doing everything In the name of Jesus.

Author Biography

Edelcio Ottaviani

Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade Católica de Louvain, professor da Faculdade de Teologia da PUC‑SP e coordenador do Programa Suplementar FOCO‑Vestibular da PUC‑SP.