Criação e perspectiva escatológica a partir do enfoque cosmológico da teoria do caos


  • Renold Blank



1. The cosmic history is open toward the future and follows the laws of chaos. (Chaos means: A small improvement can start a process, which in function of time, produces profound alternations. This alternations can change the whole future of the system)
2. Human history follows the same mechanisms of the theory of chaos.
3. Human history is open and not determinated in the direction of the future:
- History is subject to “chance”;
- History is subject to the laws of chaos.
4. The future of the cosmos can be understood within the nonlinear dynamics of an open and selforganizational system, subject to the laws of chaos.
5. By the emergence of new structures in the cosmos, can be observed a certain structural matrix.
6. This same matrix can also be applied to the Christian view of future, called the Kingdom of God.
7. Kingdom of God is a process!
- The process of its construction already has begun;
- It does not follow the deterministic laws of the mechanistic model;
- It can be understood within the non-linear dynamic of an open and self-organizational system, subject to the laws of chaos;
8. The concept of hope for the universe and humanity has its basis in the history of cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ.Renold Blank

Author Biography

Renold Blank

Doutor em Teologia Dogmática e em Filosofia. Professor da Pontifícia Faculdade de Teologia de São Paulo (hoje da PUC) e de várias outras Universidades e Faculdades. Como especialista em Escatologia, continua a ensinar e pesquisar também após o seu emeritato.