“De ti sairá” – Miquéias 5,1-5


  • Milton Schwantes




Peace, love, good, justice, righteousness and freedom.


Micah had visions about the new future. Are marked by the return to the area of the city grow and the return of land to farmers. (See 1.6, 2.5, 3.12). Micah 5,1-5 fits in this context, although the text also contains current concepts exile (see v.4-5). But there are certainly important to keep memories and formulations of Micah. Then we come across with the expectation of a new “government” / efratita and bebemita coordinator within David traditions. This, without great Power, organizes the peasantry for the liberation struggle against the Assyrian invasion. This Davidism is therefore both Judaist and peasant, cultivated in traditions of the environment of “holy war”. This promised “ruler” will establish “peace”. It is free on land and houses released. The “love of good” (see 3.2), the “justice” (5,1.8.9), the “righteousness (3.9) mark the Messianic spheres. The concept of “justice” condensed - even more vividly than in Amos - the messianic project of morastita.

Author Biography

Milton Schwantes

Doutor em teologia e leciona na Universidade Metodista de São Paulo.