Jesus Cristo nas Cartas Paulinas


  • Michel Sakr



Pauline message, Christ dead and risen, heart and life


As part of the Pauline year, this article explains what St. John Chrysostom said: “The heart of Paul is the heart of Christ, to understand Paul is to understand Christ.” The Dead and Risen Christ is the center of the preaching of Paul. But it is also the “pre-existence” of Christ, First of allages and his second coming at the end of time is an essential part of the Pauline message. This Article collects the letters of Paul references thatspeak of Jesus Christ and interprets in expositive and objective way.

Author Biography

Michel Sakr

Doutor em Teologia Bíblica pela Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana de Roma, escreveu vários artigos sobre a “leitura pragmática da Bíblia” e ensinou o Novo Testamento nas faculdades de Teologia em São Paulo.