The human being and the mystery of loving God: a contribution of Karl Rahner to a contemporary reflection on an experience of God


  • Renato da Silva Machado



Faith, Experience, Transcendental, Realization


We are celebrating the Year of Faith, in which we are invited to deepen our knowledge of God, by rediscovering the beauty of being disciples and missionaries of the Lord Jesus. In order to collaborate in this task, we intend to study the issue of the experience of God within Karl Rahner transcendental theological perspective, which allows us to see that the human being is open to the Mystery of God as well as that we have the mission to present the experience of God as the way of realization of the human being.

Author Biography

Renato da Silva Machado

Presbítero, mestre em Teologia Sistemático-Pastoral pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro e doutorando na mesma universidade e como também na Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Meridionale. Bolsita da CAPES Proc. n. 1230-81-2.


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