O Bom Samaritano (Lc 10,25-37): da audição à recitação


  • Ramiro Délio Borges de Meneses




Good Samaritan, parable, audition, recitation, decision


The Good Samaritan parable defines, according to your biblical formulation, and plays a very important role to the decision ( charity), recitation (hope), and audition (faith). However, there is a necessary  relationship between these three elements, and the theological meaning of the splancnophanic deliberation,  that is the truthly parable’s foundation in the biblical sense, and morality according the plesiologic aretology, and poietic ethic.

Author Biography

Ramiro Délio Borges de Meneses

Prof. Dr. Ramiro Délio Borges de Meneses: Investigador do Instituto de Bioética da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Centro Regional do Porto. Professor Ajunto do Instituto Politécnico de Saúde do Norte – Gandra e Famalicão