O Início da Narrativa de Abrão Exegese à luz da América Latina de Gênesis 12,1-4a


  • Fabio Py Murta de Almeida




javism’s, people of the land, golah and resistance


The text of Gênesis 12,1-4a is classically described as javist narrative formed by the people of the Jewish land. In this piece of text given by Javé, there is a searching to recognize through the exegetical cunnings the critical speech preached by the people deducted for the times of the judaism. More than that, in this space there is an intention to think the about the javist writing on the 6th Century B.C., made by the people of the land after the arrival of the exiled ones in the Judah, and which is their intension on this.

Author Biography

Fabio Py Murta de Almeida

Mestre em Ciências da Religião na Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP), membro da Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa Bíbica (ABIB), e colaborador da Bibliografia Bíblica Latino Americana (BBLA).


