The Liturgical Year: locus of Christian formation and growth in the faith


  • Vanderson de Sousa Silva



Liturgical Year, pastoral care, Christian education


This article attempts to assert the theme of the liturgical year assuming that it is not an only a religious calendar, but a Person – Jesus Christ. Therefore, the Liturgical Year is the encounter with Christ in the Holy Spirit. In this perspective Christological-pneumatic Liturgical Year propose the Liturgical Year, as the privileged place of formation and maturation of the Christian community, around which the mystery of Christ celebrated in the liturgical mysteries throughout the year glimpsing the personal encounter. Seeking in the theology of mystery of Odo Casel an interpretation of the relationship between single Mystery of Christ and the liturgical mysteries. Thus, we seek to deepen the theological aspects of the Liturgical Year that proves the close connection between the pastoral and Liturgical Year, highlighting the bond between liturgy and pastoral.