The Meaning of Love: a contemporary and theological comparison of their occurrence and meanings


  • Rafael Alberto dos Santos Maia



Love, Relationship, Feeling, Scripture, Virtue


Man is characterized as a rational being that connects with those that are part of his social conviviality, in other words, he possesses the capacity to develop interpersonal relationships. During these relationships several emotions are experienced, developed, and transformed and one of those is love. Certainly love is a fundamental and essential position in the human life, because man, in a certain way, is an incomplete creature if unable to feel or practice this emotion. The absence of love in life totally affects the structure of this complex creature whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually because love is present in an active way in these spheres of the human life. In that case there is a need to understand love’s functions in three knowledge areas: First, in the physical area, understanding that which represents love for the man in his relationships. Second, in the emotional area its contribution for the formation of the human character (social, emotional or sexual). Third, in the spiritual area, is the importance of love through the biblical vision, with its definitions and effects in the life of the church and of the Christian. The biblical context shows a type of much deeper love than that which the modern man understands for love. This understanding starting from the Old Testament was deepened and transformed in the measure in that the pages of the New Testament were written. It can be said that God wants to take that which the man understands of love and transform it into a virtue that is not limited to a simple momentary feeling - into something of the “size” and of the “depth” of God.

Author Biography

Rafael Alberto dos Santos Maia

Rafael Alberto dos Santos Maia é natural da cidade de Sant’Ana do Livramento, Rio Grande do Sul. Formou-se no curso de Bacharel em Teologia pela Faculdade Batista Pioneira em Ijuí/RS na modalidade curso livre em 2009; Bacharel em Odontologia pelo Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados/MS em 2013; Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Oral Menor em 2013 pela Associação Brasileira dos Cirurgiões-Dentistas (ABCD); Atualmente cursa Especialização em Implantodontia pela ABCD e exerce a Odontologia na cidade de Dourados/MS. O presente artigo é uma adaptação do trabalho de conclusão do curso de Bacharel em Teologia e está baseado no primeiro e segundo capítulos da obra, a qual foi avaliada pelos seguintes professores: Hariet Wondracek Krüger (orientadora de conteúdo), Claiton André Kunz (avaliador de forma), Luciano Gonçalves Soares (avaliador de português) e Erich Luiz Leidner (avaliador final de conteúdo).. O título original da obra é: “O Significado do Amor: uma visão contemporânea e bíblica de sua ocorrência e efeito no homem e na igreja”, a qual está subdividida em três capítulos.

