The sacramental character of revelation in the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum and its theological implications


  • Donizete José Xavier PUC-SP



Sacramentality, Revelation, Mystery, Language, Trinity


The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the idea of sacramentality of Revelation present in the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum and its theological implications. The background to this is the reflection on the words of the conciliar document saying: sacramentum voluntatis suae. The Revelation of God in the flesh of the story remains as a mystery, it assumes its condition as sacrament. Their visibility is realized through words and gestures that complement each other. The Revelation of God is already definitely gave in the event Jesus Christ. It is historically Christocentric and eschatologically theocentric. In these terms, it is in Christ, an event held and open your plenification. It follows from this understanding that Revelation will reach its fullness in the mystery of the love of God, the inner life of the Trinity.

