Pastoral activity: some ethical principles present in Document of Aparecida


  • Tarcísio Justino Loro



Pastoral activity, Pastorais principles, Human and pastoral dignity


Pastoral activity cannot be conceived according to the will of each pastor. There is a statute and its roots are at the life of Shepherd Jesus. His practice is always a source of pastoral inspiration and a model for all his followers. So some elements cannot be ignored by pastoral agents. Among them we emphasize: elevation of human dignity; unity and diversity, two indispensable axes for a mature pastoral; community, space of human growth; pastoral, expression of evangelical joy; God’s loving look towards the poor ones. These elements do not exhaust other indispensable characteristics but they point towards a renovation of a pastoral practice, wished by Aparecida Document.

Author Biography

Tarcísio Justino Loro

Doutor em Ciências (Geografia Humana) pela Universidade de São Paulo. Mestre em Teologia pela Pontifícia Faculdade de Teologia Nossa Senhora da Assunção. Mestre em Comunicação e Semiótica pela PUC/SP.