True God and true man: a study on the christology of Saint Ignatius of Antioch


  • Renato da Silva Machado



Church, Preaching, Meaning for Life, Jesus Christ


With Evangelii Gaudium the Church seeks to propose the faith to the world today, as real possibility of a meaning for life. Faith is a gift of God offered to us, so that through the Spirit, we open ourselves to the revelation of the Triune God in Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life. For we come to this faith, we need the preaching, because the Apostle Paul says, “Faith comes from preaching,” and in our time it is necessary that this preaching is done with conviction in order to provide adherence to Jesus Christ.

Author Biography

Renato da Silva Machado

Mestre em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro e doutorando em Teologia na PUC-RJ e na Pontificia Facoltà dell’Italia Meridionale.