The theology of Sunday – Weekly Paschal memory: theological aspects of liturgical year


  • Vanderson de Sousa Silva



Shabbat, Sunday, Easter, Feast


This text seeks to assert the theme of Sunday in its biblicaltheological, patristic and historical aspects. Sacrosanctum Concilium mentions that Sunday is the main day of celebration (SC 106). On Sunday, establishes itself the privileged moment of encounter communities gathered at a meeting with the Risen Lord. It is the day of the weekly party of Christians to perpetuate his memory, make the Easter experience of joyful hope of his coming. The goal is to seek the theological meaning of Sunday to recover it as Easter day, rest of the man and the centrality of worship that should be given to God on this day.

Author Biography

Vanderson de Sousa Silva

Mestre em Teologia pela PUC-Rio.