Bioethics and the advancement of science in the discovery of stem cells: stem cells and embryonic stem


  • Ermano Rodrigues do Nascimento
  • Marcos Antônio de Arruda Moura



Embryonic Stem Cell, Stem, Bioethics, Human Person


The present article is a reflection on the evolution of research and bioethics of stem cells rather, as one possibility for cure of many human degenerative diseases. For this, we use the perspective of Bioethics, to analyze the procedures undertaken by the scientific community in the cellular process manipulation if it preserve or not the human dignity. Its etymology, classification and main sources, the text present an approach on Bioethics as a watershed in biomedical research with he’s’ cells and adult CT. For this, we will make an approach on human embryo in its germinal stage, stalemates resulting from manipulation, this stage, it holds all direct and dignity of an adult people in full use of its intellective and psychomotor abilities.

Author Biographies

Ermano Rodrigues do Nascimento

Mestre em Filosofia Social e Política pela UFPE. Doutorando em Bioética e Saúde Publica em Ciências da Educação pela Universidade do Porto – Portugal. Professor-adjunto I da Unicap.

Marcos Antônio de Arruda Moura

Bacharel em Filosofia pela UNICAP.