From blind to “Open Eye Mystic”: An analysis of Adélia Prado poetry based on Benjamin Gonzáles Buelta and Johann Baptist Metz




Mystics, Secularity, Art, Poetry, Adélia Prado


In the works of Metz and Buelta we come across the concept of “open-eyed mystique”. Metz understands that in the Christian faith is always present a quality that would be the pursuit of justice. Rescuing K. Rahner's phrase: "The Christian of the future will either be a mystic or not a Christian," Buelta understands mystique as "a dimension of all human life," not as something reserved for the privileged, even if in some ways, of their expressions reach higher depth levels. Quoting Metz, Buelta clarifies that in a “mystique with open eyes”, perception is not restricted to us, but intensifies in contact with the suffering of the other. This article aims to present the result of a theoretical and qualitative research, using bibliographic research as a method of work. This article aims to present the result of a theoretical and quantitative research, using bibliographic research as a method of work.Based on the concepts developed by Johann Baptist Metz, from his work "Mystic of Open Eyes", elements also present in the work "See or perish - Mystic of open eyes" by Benjamín Gonzáles Buelta, and the analysis of the developed mystic phenomenon by Juan Martín Velasco, is intended to elaborate a Theopoetical analysis in the Mystic perspective, of extracts of poems of Adélia Prado. Through bibliographic review studies, Metz and Buelta intend to analyze the relation between spirituality-mystic and secularity, identifying in the poetic expressions signs of transcendence present in the century that can characterize a Theopoetics in the Mystic perspective.

Author Biographies

Ceci Maria Costa Baptista Mariani, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas - PUCC.

Doutora em Ciências da Religião. Membro do corpo docente permanente do PPG em Ciências da Religião da PUC-Campinas. São Paulo-SP, Brasil.

Valmir Rubia da Silva, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas - PUCC.

MBA em Gestão da Qualidade pelo Instituto de Aperfeiçoamento Tecnológico – IAT (Piracicaba); Pós-Graduado (Latu Sensu) em Engenharia de Soldagem pela Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba UNIMEP e Agência Brasileira de Soldagem – ABS (Santa Bárbara do Oeste); Graduado em Engenharia Mecânica pela Escola de Engenharia de Piracicaba – EEP (Piracicaba); Licenciatura em Filosofia pelas Faculdades Claretianas – (Rio Claro); Graduando em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas – PUCC (Campinas).


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