The contribution of the ten general competencies of the BNCC in the area of religious education: guiding principles of cohesion and hope
Common National Curricular Base, General Competencies, Religious EducationAbstract
This paper analyzes the role or roles of the 10 general Competencies of the Base Nacional Comum Curricular [Common National Curricular Base] – the BNCC - ratified in 2017, and its relationship with teacher training in programs of Teacher Training (Licentiate) in Sciences of Religion – Religious Education. The general competencies traverse the proposed knowledge in the teaching units of Brazil, permitting that the learning process be holistic. Its goal is to analyze this proposed unfolding through the general competencies of the BNCC in the area of knowledge of Religious Education, which has gained official space in the formation of the pedagogical curriculums of public and private kindergarten and elementary education schools. In this sense, the Teacher Training programs in Sciences of Religion – Religious Education are challenged to demonstrate this involvement with this theme.References
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