The human descent into a kenotic dimension in the Gregory’s commentary on the Song of Songs


  • Maria Freire da Silva



Mystic, Epéktasis, ágape, eros, image


The objective of this study is to present the mystical and human self-emptying in the ascension to God, in the commentary of the Song of Songs of Gregory of Nissa, which, based towards God, in a dialectic of presence and absence. This objective is justified by the relevance which the Nissene thought has about the mystical understanding of the Christian life. To reach this objective, it is proposed to make a short presentation of the fundamental terms of the nissene mysticism such as Epektais, image, Agape, and eros. Following on this the content of the fifteen homilies are studied, through which Nissa comments on the Song of Songs. The allegorical-typological method used by Nissa, is taken into account as well as the Alexandrine influence, above all of Origen, in the interpretation of Nissa. To finalise, there is an analysis of how the human decentering is evident in the self-emptying dimension of the Song of Songs.

Author Biography

Maria Freire da Silva

Doutora em Teologia Sistemática pela Pontificia Università Gregoriana (Roma, Itália). 


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