Conciliar Mariology, key to current theological task




The text develops some elements of the conciliar restructuring promoted in the field of Mariology, investigates aspects that the Council points out about Mary’s relationship with God, with the human being and, above all, with the Church, to present the hermeneutic circle followed by the Council. In conciliar mariology, which balances christotype and ecclesiotypic accents, with a determinant in the pole of the Church, there is a key to the current theological task, which is increasingly challenged to face ideological extremisms, by the search for truth, which is always on the side from below, in the gaps of history, where the poor are, in order to sew relationships, marking them by unity in diversity.

Author Biography

Vitor Galdino Feller, ITESC e FACASC

Doutor e Mestre em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana, Roma. Diretor do ITESC e  da FACASC, em Santa Catarina


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