Eucharist and anthropology
another possibility of tradition
Thomistic systematics in eucharistic matters does not hold as well elements that belong to the Christian experience of the sacrament: it is therefore urgent that contemporary theological thought elaborates systems that safeguard them in a more strong way. In doing this, one can compare with systems of authors of the tradition before the scholastic period and make use of them as fertile roots. In this case, what emerges from the pages of Irenaeus of Lyons' Adversus Haereses is in my opinion worthy of interest to revitalize the connection between the eucharist and anthropology.
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H: Irenaeus, adversus haereses libri quinque: edd. Sources Chrétiennes 100; 152-153; 210-211; 263-264; 293-294.
ST: Thomas de Aquino, Summa theologiae.
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