he faith of Jesus pre-east

path of salvation for human beings


  • Elias Fernandes Pinto Seminário Diocesano Nossa Senhora do Rosário




Pre-Paschal Faith of Jesus, Consciousness of Jesus, Faith-fidelity of God


The theme of the pre-Paschal Jesus faith is relatively recent in the history of theology. It is related to research on the science of Jesus, and contemporary research on the consciousness of Jesus. In the Middle Ages, it was emphasized that Jesus, the Incarnate Word, had the beatific vision. In this sense, you cannot attribute faith to him. Our aim will be to address the theme of Jesus' faith in contemporary research. We will start with the main theological positions on the subject throughout history. We will show Jesus as rooted in the faith tradition of his people, their decisive and unifying experience of their life, God as Father. We will present the power of Jesus' faith in your life and mission. We will end with the affirmation of Jesus' Letter to the Hebrews as the author and finisher of the faith and the implications of the theme for Christian spirituality: the path of faith opened and made possible by Jesus. We believe that the approach will enable us to have a greater knowledge of the humanity of Jesus, the meaning of the Incarnation, without losing sight of the divine reality of Jesus, and with this it will bring us important and decisive elements of our configuration to Him.


Keywords: Pre-Paschal Faith of Jesus. Consciousness of Jesus. Faith-fidelity of God.

Author Biography

Elias Fernandes Pinto, Seminário Diocesano Nossa Senhora do Rosário

Mestrado em Teologia pela Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia (FAJE). Contato: eliasfp@folha.com.br


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