A profecia na Contemporaneidade

À luz da referência de Dom Paulo, Profeta Arns





Paulo Evaristo, Prophet, Prophecy, pastoral, Latin American Church


Under the impulse of the Vatican Council II, prophetism was "reborn" in Latin America. The realization of the Latin American reality combined with the birth of an autochthonous theology, which would become the Liberation Theology, boosts new ways of making and living Christianity on such continent. Among so many names that have entered this new pastoral and theological dynamic, there is certainly Monsignor Paulo Evaristo Cardinal Arns, and his undeniably prophetical characteristic translated into his wide defense of human dignity. However, today one has the impression that the prophecy has disappeared in Latin America. For this reason, rather than speaking of Cardinal Arns, but maintaining him as a prophet's paradigm, we aim to retake at this article the essential elements and re-situate the main elements of Christian Prophecy aligned with the present moment. We will begin with philosophical reflection to later present the theological reasons for prophetism. Surely the person and the life of Cardinal Arns will be identified in this reflection.

Author Biography

Alzirinha Souza, Instituto Teológico de São Paulo (ITESP)

Pós Doutora em Ciências da Religião pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP). Professora e pesquisadora do ANIMA Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC Minas) e do Núcleo de Estudos Comunicação e Teologia e do Instituto São Paulo de Ensino Superior (ITESP). Contato: alzirinharsouza@gmail.com


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