The religious diversity in Fratelli tutti
Sciences of Religion, Fratelli tutti, religious diversity, Pope FrancisAbstract
The encyclical letter Fratelli tutti of Pope Francis was received with great appreciation throughout the world. Studied and read in various environments outside the Church, this letter contributes to social issues, and demonstrates reception and impetus to diversity. In addition, Francis establishes dialogue and respect for diversity as presuppositions for a true social friendship that is capable of generating brotherhood and peace. Therefore, the aim of this article is to demonstrate that Francis respects religious diversity, and recognizes the value of the various religions within the public debate and enhances them to the processes of seeking peace. The proposed methodology is to analyze the encyclical letter in the light of the sciences of religion, seeking to highlight the assumptions that validate this diversity. Therefore, the result we hope is to demonstrate the coherence of Francis, who elaborates a relevant document of the church's social doctrine, and that even while maintaining continuity with his predecessors, he was able to advance in raising awareness of the importance for the Catholic religion in opening up to fraternal dialogue and recognizing the value of other religions.
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