Uma breve análise exegética de Nm 10,29-32


  • Leonardo Agostini Fernandes PUC-RIO
  • Luiz Henrique Lucas Barbosa Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro



Book of Numbers, Leadership, March through the desert, Mediation, Kinship


The Book of Numbers does not seem to receive the same attention as the other books of the Torah. There are good comments, but few articles. In this sense, a study on Nm 10,29-32 may bring some contribution, in particular on the subject of supplication with a promise of reward that is no stranger to the book. In the text in focus, there is the dialogue between Moses and Hobab, on the iminence of the departure from Sinai towards Canaan. Moses asks Hobab to serve as a guide in the crossing of the desert. The bond, the denomination of Moses' father-in-law and the usefulness attributed to him are relevant and crafted questions in the analysis, also asking about the divine presence as a guide through the desert by the Ark of the Covenant and the Cloud. If YHWH is already the guide, why the supplication for a member of the Raguel clan of the Madianites to direct them through desert routes? This article, adopting diachronic and sinchronic approaches, is subdivided into segmented translation and notes of textual criticism, delimitation, structure and literary genre, followed by a comment to the sections adopted. Nm 10,29-32 attests that human expertise does not nullify the divine conduction, but integrates it.

Author Biographies

Leonardo Agostini Fernandes, PUC-RIO

Doutor em Teologia Bíblica pela Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana (PUG-Roma). Professor de Sagrada Escritura do Departamento de Teologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Contato:

Luiz Henrique Lucas Barbosa, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

Doutorando em Direito pela Universidad de Buenos Ares. Contato:


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