The urgency of orthopraxis
condition to rescue the human
Orthopraxis, Humanity, Religion, ChristianityAbstract
The article aims to bring to the discussion the urgency of rescuing the Christian faith more as a way of life [orthopraxis] than, properly, a set of truths of faith that needs to be preserved [orthodoxy]. It starts from the assumption that the lack of humanity, which is seen today in so many instances, including the Church itself, stems from an experience of religion only as submission to God, who imposes a set of rules and regulations on human beings. customs that need to be fulfilled as a sine qua non condition to “be happy and get to heaven”. This relationship, in turn, makes “religious life” happen almost separately from reality, increasing the acute dilemma between faith and life and directly compromising the Christological faith of the God who became man for all. and all save. As a concrete example of this type of experience, the movement Give us back the mass!, which emanated at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, is mentioned.
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