Spiritual currents in dialogue:
current challenges and possibilities
Spirituality, Religious experience, Dialogue, Society, CreationAbstract
The current religious and spiritual pluralism presents serious challenges for encounter, dialogue, coexistence and cooperation between different ways of believing. Fortunately, paths are taken to overcome these challenges, involving different religious communities in projects of social cooperation, theological dialogue, care for creation, among others. In this article, we show that there is a horizon or dimension of interreligious dialogue that serves as support and impetus for others: spirituality. Our thesis proposes the convergence of spiritualities as a way to sustain dialogue and cooperation initiatives and overcome the obstacles that remain for a true encounter between religions. We present elements that favor this convergence, such as the understanding of the spiritual experience, the goal and mediation of this experience, and the affirmation of human transcendence. Harmony in these elements favors religions to overcome tensions and conflicts that prevent them from making a commitment to human life and creation together.
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