Aspects and trends of practical theology in the brazilian and latin american context



Practical Theology, Latin America, Liberation Theology, Santiago Group, Faculdades EST


This article presents an approach to the development of Practical Theology in the context of Brazil and Latin America. There is awareness of the difficulty of constructing such an account due to the breadth and complexity of this reality and the very imprecision of the understanding of the area, including the conceptual one. It is recognized, however, the need for reflection and debate on this important area of the Theology for the context in question. The article is composed by four parts: First, contextual elements relevant to Practical Theology in the Latin American context are presented. In the second point, the permanent challenge of conceptualizing Practical Theology as a theological discipline is discussed. In the third point, some of the relevant developments of the discipline are presented, and finally, in the fourth point, to point out current and future challenges for Practical Theology in this reality.

Author Biographies

Júlio Cézar Adam, Faculdades EST

Doutorado em Teologia pela Universidade de Hamburgo, Alemanha. Coordena o Programa de Pós-Graduação das Faculdades EST. Contato:

Dionata Rodrigues de Oliveira, Faculdades EST

Mestrado acadêmico pela Faculdade EST. Contato:


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