Redemption and Forgiveness through Overabundance

Ricoeur’s Theologically Inspired Philosophy


  • René Dentz PUC-Minas



Hope, Grace, Redemption, Overabundance, Pardon


It is possible to approach Ricoeurian thought in a dialogue with theological themes, although aware of the warning he made about the care in establishing the limits and approximations between theology and philosophy. By the way, Ricoeur always refused the label of “Christian philosopher”, trying to keep his confession of faith and philosophical procedure equidistant. As a consequence, the great foundation of Ricoeurian reflection is philosophy, although theology, especially through his studies of biblical exegesis, also occupies a respectable place in his research. Some themes are “borderline” between the two knowledges, notably evil, hope and forgiveness. This is seen by him as a synthesis between history, memory and oblivion. However, in addition to this, it cannot be thought of without evil and hope either. That is, although our author did not elaborate a “theological aspect” of his studies on forgiveness, as he did in relation to evil and hope, it is not possible to study the theme without taking into account its inspiration and its theological approach. Well, Ricoeur always outlined, within the scope of his arguments, the perception of the sacred and the developments in the field of faith, including as an occasional preacher at the Rockefeller chapel, at the University of Chicago.

Author Biography

René Dentz, PUC-Minas

Doutor em Teologia pela Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia (FAJE). Professor do Departamento de Filosofia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC-Minas). Contato:


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