The Natural Sciences and Christian Faith in the face of the great questions of the Cosmos and Creation


  • Alexandre Freire Duarte Faculdade de Teologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa; CEHR: Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa



natural sciences, Christian faith, creation, evolution, laws of nature, eschatology


In the dialogue (more or less angular or blunt and with results popularly disseminated in a rather careless way) between the Christian faith and the natural sciences there is a set of themes related to Creation and the Cosmos, which, apparently dealing with identical realities, has maintained unjustified misunderstandings. This study pays a briefly attention to five of those themes – that run through the arc of the existing (past, present and future) – and tries to show what a Christian believer can think and, if the occasion provides itself, sustainably affirm about them.

Author Biography

Alexandre Freire Duarte, Faculdade de Teologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa; CEHR: Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa

Alexandre Freire Duarte is a Doctor in Theology by the Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Madrid). He teaches at the Faculty of Theology of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, at the Centro de Cultura Católica do Porto and at the Instituto Católico de Viana do Castelo. He is an integrated member of the CEHR - Centre for Religious History Studies of the above-mentioned Faculty.


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