Hope together with the christian mission

according to Jürgen Moltmann


  • Waldir Souza Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná


Hope, Christian Mission, Jürgen Moltmann


The meaning of the term “hope” together with “Christian mission”, complements the link of faith between human beings and God. The work: “Theology of Hope” by the German theologian Jürgen Moltmann, is important for this redefinition of terms: “hope” and “Christian mission”, be understood in a world of constant political, religious and social conflicts. Thus, the question arises: what is the need for hope along with the Christian mission in the times in which we live? In a brief description of the life and work of Jürgen Moltmann, we describe, with the aim of awakening the knowledge and importance of the theologian, writer and human being that Moltmann became for the world, contributing with a vast bibliography in the field of Social and Systematic Theology. Moltmann is a reference for academic studies in the area of ​​education and humanities, as well as for subjects that are intrinsically linked to current issues, among them; socioenvironmental crises. In view of this, the deductive method was used analytically in a qualitative research corresponding to the bibliographic reference. Moltmann’s theological path invites us and suggests new meanings for the word love, Christian mission, hope and faith in God, so that we can face everything that could go against freedom and the right to all the grace that allows us to live and hope for a more dignified and fair future in search of human and spiritual balance.

Author Biography

Waldir Souza, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

*Doutor em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUCRJ). Professor na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR). Contato: wacasouza@yahoo.com.br


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