Paul, and Border Theology

the post-critical episteme and the peace paradigm


  • Eduardo Sales de Lima Unicesumar



Hermeneutics, Bible, Coloniality


This mini-course proposes to dialogue with post-critical theories in order to identify valid hermeneutical possibilities for the interpretation of biblical texts in search of a paradigm aimed at promoting Peace. The objective is to read the bible from a post-critical perspective, specifically, through the frontier mentality. The research methodology will be exploratory, the data source, bibliographic, based on Glória Anzaldúa’s frontier theory. For the application of the methodology, some excerpts from the Pauline letters will be studied, and related to elements of the post-critical episteme. At the end of this work, readers are expected to identify Paulo as a frontier theologian, understanding his texts from the post-critical episteme in order to reframe a theology focused on dialogue and peace.

Author Biography

Eduardo Sales de Lima, Unicesumar

Doutor em Teologia (EST). Professor na Unicesumar. Contato:


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