Between the space of experiences and the horizon of expectations
Ricoeurian considerations for thinking about the Brazilian school in contemporaneity
space of experience, horizon of expectations, Paul Ricoeur, school, philosophy of educationAbstract
Although Paul Ricoeur has written and spoken about education, it is not the most developed theme in his extensive work. However, here we start from the assumption that some of his reflections can shed light on issues from the Brazilian educational context in contemporary times. In the last chapter of the book Time and Narrative, Ricoeur proposes opening the space of human experience from the past to find experiences that have been silenced. This action could create a new horizon of expectations for the future. In the Brazilian context, marked by colonial logic that made numerous victims, the author’s considerations lead us to consider what kind of relationship with the past can be created in a specific place, the school. Once the school is an institution intermediary between the past and the future, it seems to be a privileged place to make the present something alive, as Ricoeur suggests in the same chapter.
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