Prophecy and Sacraments

Prophetic acts in the saving economy


  • Anderson Batista Monteiro Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro



Sacraments, Prophecy, Second Vatican Council, Theology of the Sacraments


Based on the dialogue between biblical and systematic theology, inspired by the discoveries of the Second Vatican Council, this study investigates how the symbolic actions of the prophets of Israel and of Jesus underlie the theological understanding of the sacraments. These acts manifest the presence of God and the realization of salvation, anticipated by the prophets and fulfilled by Christ. Jesus, recognized as a prophet, not only announces the future, but fulfills ancient prophecies and inaugurates the Kingdom of God with saving gestures and words. From his death and resurrection, the early Church, driven by the Holy Spirit, continues the mission of Christ, repeating his acts and making them present in history. Thus, this article highlights the prophetic character of Christianity, sustained by the sacramental experience, by listening to the Word and by fraternal communion, which should serve as a model for the exercise of the prophetic mission of the Church in the contemporary world.

Author Biography

Anderson Batista Monteiro, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

Doutor em Teologia na Pontifícia Universidade
Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUCRJ).



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